Digital Library and Online Resources
The Desert Foothills Library now has several digital library options. Choose from reading e-books, listening to audio books or music, browsing your favorite magazines and newspapers, or catching up on all things Arizona!
As always, these services are FREE. All you need is a Desert Foothills Library card to get started.
Connect Arizona is a collaborative digital equity initiative, supported by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records. They provide free tech help over the phone, based on the National Digital Inclusion Alliance’s Digital Navigators model: individuals who address the whole digital inclusion process — home connectivity, devices, and digital skills — through one-on-one support and repeated interactions if needed. Anyone from anywhere in the state can call and receive help getting online or using technology.
The Little Libraries That Could
Powered by OverDrive, you can browse, borrow, and enjoy titles from The Little Libraries That Could digital collection. Works with both Libby and Kindle apps.

Reading Arizona
Arizona-themed titles regularly added to the Digital Arizona Library‘s eBook collection. Includes a wide selection of fiction, non-fiction, teen and children’s eBooks and Audio-books.
Freegal features music you can download and keep forever. Access nearly 3 million songs from the collection, comprised of music from over 10,000 labels and 60 countries.
Rocket Languages
Free online language courses that are simple, powerful and work. Choose from 16 languages.

Arizona Memory Project
The Arizona Memory Project (AMP) provides access to the wealth of primary sources in Arizona archives, museums, libraries and other cultural institutions.
Arizona Talking Book Library
An Audio Lending Library for those with low vision other reading disabilities. Lending audio books, magazines, movies with audio descriptions, Braille books and more.
Online Resources
Catagorical listing of online resources:
Data Axle Reference Solutions (formerly referenceUSA):
Residential contact information (100 million+) and business/professional listings (14 million+). Find international business data and details about healthcare professionals.
>> To access, sign in with your library card number. (You will need to type a space between P and your number.)
Infotrac Newsstand (GALE):
Web-based full-text 1,000+ newspaper database which allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, newspaper section or other fields. You can customize your online newspaper database features, including screen appearance, search options and results format.
>> To access, sign in with your library card number.
General OneFile (GALE):
A one-stop source for news and magazine articles on a wide range of topics. Millions of full-text articles, many with images; more than 500 travel guides; NPR transcripts; and thousands of video files of shows like The Today Show and Meet the Press. Includes full-text coverage of the New York Times since 1995. Updated daily.
Legal Forms (GALE):
Provides a wide selection of Arizona legal forms across the most popular legal areas. Includes real estate contracts, wills, pre-marital agreements, bankruptcy, divorce, landlord tenant and many others. Also includes a comprehensive attorney state directory and a dictionary of legal definitions explained in laymen’s language.
>> To access, sign in with your library card.
Britannica Library:
Delivering best-in-class print and digital resources to a new generation of families and educators. Encyclopedia articles for children, teens and a reference center.
>> To access, create an account with your email address.
Academic OneFile:
Peer-reviewed full-text articles from the world’s leading journals and reference sources, with extensive coverage of all academic disciplines.
Chilton Library:
Repair, maintenance and specification tables on thousands of domestic and imported cars and light trucks from 1940 onward. Videos, photographs and diagrams for the do-it-yourselfer.
>> To access, sign in with your library card.
Driving Tests:
Do you feel there might be a Grand Canyon between you and getting a motor vehicle license in Arizona? Learn how to travel the saguaros in safety with our guides and MVD practice tests designed to get you ready for the licensing exams for cars, motorcycles, and commercial driving. For your permit or license to drive a car, you need to get 80% right to pass, so study up here. There’s even a marathon test with questions that are very similar to the test you’ll be taking.
Rocket Languages:
With our comprehensive multi-media packages you will be speaking and improving your language skills with every lesson by taking part in the modern, everyday conversations that make up our Interactive Audio Course. In addition, you will learn to speak the language naturally with our language and culture lessons and you can also build on your vocabulary and improve your audio recognition of common words and phrases (and have fun at the same time) with our popular Master Games range.
>> Use your library card and your email to register.
Ancestry Library Edition:
Search for your ancestors in over 4 billion historical records, covering the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Europe and other countries. Census records, immigration, wills, military, birth, death, marriage records, newspapers – some linked to images.
>> You must be present in the library to access this resource.
HeritageQuest Online:
Collection of materials for tracing family history and American culture. Over 25,000 downloadable family and local history books, U.S. Federal Census Records, Freedman’s Bank Records (1865-1874), Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant application files, U.S. Serial Set and PERSI (Periodical Source Index, an index to 6,600 genealogy and local history periodical.
>> Follow link to access.
Career Transitions:
Comprehensive career resource that allows you to search for and track jobs, create targeted resumes and cover letters, practice and master interview techniques, explore and identify career paths according to your interests, experience and what’s in demand, and find schools and education/training programs.
>>To access, follow link. You may choose to create an account using your email address to save your work.
Learning Express Library:
Comprehensive, online database of practice tests and tutorial course series designed to help students and adult learners succeed on the academic or licensing tests. Includes college and graduate placement tests (ACT, SAT, GRE, MCAD, LSAT), elementary and high school tests (Advanced Placement; High School, Middle School, and Elementary School Skills), career preparation exams (GED, EMS, Firefighter, PPST – Praxis, Civil Service, and reading, math and writing skills practice), TOEFL and U.S. Citizenship Exams.
>> To access, create an account with your email address.
Testing and Education Reference Center (TERC):
Taking a college entrance or licensing exam? Looking for a college or graduate school? Need help finding scholarships? Search thousands of college and graduate school entries and identify scholarships. Take on-line practice tests and use test prep eBooks to obtain your education goals.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.
Comprehensive resource from the National Library of Medicine.
>>Follow link to access.
Biography in Context:
Information on the world’s most influential people. Merges authoritative content with magazines and multimedia. Search for people by name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places as well as keyword.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.
US History in Context:
Information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History. Merges authoritative content with images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.
World History in Context:
Hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in World History are profiled. Merges authoritative content with images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.
NoveList Plus:
Reading recommendations for both fiction and non-fiction, with a variety of search options, including suggestions on similar titles to read while you’re waiting for that next bestseller.
>>To access, log in with your Arizona zip code.
Books and Authors:
Looking for a good book, but not sure where to start? WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN lets you browse by Character, Subject, Location and Time Period, and get a visual representation of your matching books.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.
Literature Resource Center:
Find up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on nearly 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.
Science in Context:
Information on hundreds of today’s most significant science topics. Reference resources, along with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.
Global Issues in Context:
International viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that bring together a variety of specially selected, highly relevant sources for analysis of these issues. Rich multimedia – including podcasts, video, and interactive graphs – enhance each portal.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context:
Contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today’s hottest social issues. Continuously updated viewpoints, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news, statistics, images, audio clips and videos, and links to vetted websites in a user-friendly format.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.
Kids InfoBits:
Meets the research needs of students in Kindergarten through Grade 5. It features a developmentally appropriate, visually graphic interface, a subject-based topic tree search and full-text, age-appropriate, curriculum-related magazine, newspaper and reference content for information on current events, the arts, science, health, people, government, history, sports and more.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.
Student Resources in Context:
Information on a broad range of topics, people, places, and events. Merges authoritative reference content with images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites in a user-friendly format.
>>To access, sign in with your library card.